MITECO opens call for grants for pioneering and unique renewable hydrogen projects, endowed with 150 million euros

The Official State Gazette (BOE) released a call for a 150 million euro line of credit to pioneer commercially viable renewable hydrogen projects for its generation and local consumption in sectors with a challenging decarbonization path, such as industrial or heavy transport. This is one of two lines of assistance approved by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) for the promotion of renewable hydrogen as part of the Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation of Renewable Energies, Renewable Hydrogen, and Storage (PERTE ERHA).

The call’s details are available on the IDAE website, and applications will be accepted from March 7 until May 6. The maximum amount of assistance available per project is 15 million, and the award criteria will include SME participation, good impact on islands, areas of Just Transition and Demographic Challenge, emission reduction, employment creation, and gender equality.

The Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE) will manage these awards, which will be awarded competitively and will assist projects that integrate hydrogen production, distribution, and use in a single place. The selected projects must adhere to the criterion of “minimal environmental harm” and be completed by September 2025.

The assistance will be in the form of a grant that the beneficiary will receive definitively once the project’s execution has been validated and the eligible costs incurred have been accredited. If the applicant is a business group, it must include at least one SME.

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