ENEOS Corporation has recently filed a patent for a novel polymer technology that could significantly advance hydrogen-related applications. Titled “A Polymer Containing Hydrogen-Bond-Forming Crosslinking Moieties,” this patent was filed on June 6, 2024, and represents a forward leap in polymer chemistry, specifically focusing on hydrogen-bonding capabilities.

Overview of the Patent

The patent details a polymer that comprises at least one polymer from a group of specific polymers. These include polymers (A) with side chains containing a hydrogen-bond-forming crosslinking moiety and polymers (B) with similar side chains. A noteworthy aspect of these polymers is that their main chains consist of 2.0-60 mol% of monomer units, including specific double bonds. Invented by ENEOS Corporation, this technology suggests notable improvements over existing networks of hydrogen-bond-based polymers.

Unique Features and Innovations

The most prominent feature of these newly described polymers is their specialized side chains. By incorporating side chains with hydrogen-bond-forming crosslinking moieties, the polymers gain enhanced stability and superior mechanical strength through hydrogen bonding. Specifically, including 2.0-60 mol% of monomer units containing double bonds within the main chain furthers this stability, creating a robust and adaptable material.

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