Fnm, Ferrovie Nord Milano, Snam, and A2A have collaborated to provide a new hydrogen train line to Valle Camonica.

More than a standard railway line with no environmental effect. Because the goal is to establish a ver or pole of decarbonized public transportation, ranging from trains to local buses to the development of energy islands, promoting the Group’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan Fnm’s goal of zero environmental impact mobility.

The carbon-free Val Camonica public transportation route is expected to open in 2023, using six Alstom hydrogen-powered trains.

“The goal,” says Marco Piuri, general manager of Fnm, “is for the train to be the driving force behind the energy transformation process, with the establishment of a hydrogen supply chain that will spread to the rest of mobility and the entire area.”

As a result, the railway line will be the driving force behind the H2iseO initiative. The intervention includes a 100-kilometer overhaul of the present diesel-fueled railway line.

The initial step will be the design of a hydrogen production facility by the transalpine engineering firm Artelia at one of the two termini.

While the multi-utility A2A has announced plans to build a big electrolyzer near its waste-to-energy facility south of Brescia, which will be powered by unsorted waste combustion.

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