Mostyn SeaPower, a subsidiary of The Port of Mostyn, has developed a proposal for a tidal lagoon in the outer Dee Estuary, North Wales.

The Dee is a place of high conservation value in nature. It is therefore critical that detailed information is collected to explain the basic ecological conditions and to understand the changes that will occur as a result of the construction of the proposed lagoon.

ABPmer is commissioned to lead a series of environmental surveys in the Estuary to inform the related impact assessment sponsored by the Hull Marine Laboratory and the Sea Watch Foundation.

A two-year fish survey program will be conducted to understand the population stock in the outer estuary and the migratory habits of salmon and eel that could be impacted by the planned lagoon turbines.

Marine mammal surveys will be performed over a similar timeframe. This work will measure the frequency of occurrence of whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals in the proposed lagoon area.

These surveys can inform the understanding of possible impacts during construction and activity. Passive acoustic detection devices will be used to monitor the behavior of porpoise and dolphin.

Bird population surveys will take place over two winters in order to place the populations of Mostyn in the sense of the entire estuary and the specified area.

“ABPmer is a longstanding adviser to the Port of Mostyn and has been providing environmental and planning advice for this proposal. This comprehensive programme of ecological surveys is required to ensure there is a robust evidence-base underpinning the necessary planning and marine licence applications, and the detailed impact assessments that will need to accompany them.”

Natalie Frost, planning and consents business manager.

The surveys began in autumn 2020 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022.

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