AFC Energy, a leading energy technology company, is making significant strides in the UK government’s red diesel replacement (RDR) program with its innovative hydrogen-powered generators. Securing a substantial £4.3 million grant from the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, AFC’s generators are set to revolutionize sectors like construction, quarrying, and mining by providing a greener alternative to polluting diesel generators.

As a key player in the RDR program, AFC Energy is committed to decarbonizing the construction industry by offering sustainable power solutions. The company’s hydrogen-powered generators provide an environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to traditional diesel generators, reducing harmful emissions and contributing to a greener future.

With a £4.3 million grant in hand, AFC Energy is poised to conduct field testing of its new larger-scale hydrogen-powered generators. This funding allows the company to accelerate the development and commercialization of its cutting-edge technology, which includes both air-cooled and liquid-cooled larger tower generators.

AFC Energy’s success in securing the grant funding is attributed to its readiness to scale up its technology and commercial sales. The company’s close collaboration with construction contractors and plant hire businesses, backed by a letter of support from one of its partners, highlights its alignment with industry needs and aspirations.

The upcoming field testing, in collaboration with consortium partners Brett Aggregates and Energy Solutions, marks a crucial step in proving the viability and effectiveness of AFC Energy’s hydrogen-powered generators in real-world applications. The testing will involve deploying multiple H-Power tower generators on construction and temporary power sites, showcasing the readiness of the industry to transition away from polluting diesel generators.

AFC Energy’s successful grant support signifies the commitment of both governments and industries to decarbonize off-grid power generation through zero-emission hydrogen-fueled generators. By addressing the pressing environmental challenges of the construction sector, AFC Energy plays a vital role in achieving national decarbonization goals.

AFC Energy’s hydrogen-powered generators are at the forefront of revolutionizing the construction industry’s power generation practices. With significant grant funding, successful field testing, and close alignment with industry needs, the company’s technology promises to usher in a greener and more sustainable era for construction, quarrying, and mining. As the world embraces hydrogen as a clean energy source, AFC Energy stands as a trailblazer in driving the transition toward a more environmentally friendly and prosperous future.

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