Aggreko is investing more heavily in hydrogen technologies. This move is part of the company’s Net Zero strategy and will strengthen the company’s ability to deliver emission-free temporary power globally.

The global leader in mobile and modular energy solutions is currently concentrating its efforts on two distinct technologies.

A 50 kVA hydrogen combustion genset demonstration has been created in collaboration with cleantech partner CMB.TECH. Aggreko is currently investing in ten additional units to boost hydrogen readiness, collaborating with lead customers and partners to test and confirm hydrogen as an energy carrier in temporary power. In H2/2021, the solution will be available for client installation in Europe. Without posttreatment, this solution complies with Tier 4f/Stage V regulations and emits almost little NOx.

Additionally, Aggreko and Nedstack have joined to create a fuel cell demonstration unit that will combine zero-emission hydrogen technology into Aggreko’s canopy storage battery solution. The hydrogen hybrid system is made up of a Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell and a lithium-ion battery. The emission-free solution will be tested in Aggreko’s hub in Moerdijk, the Netherlands.

Aggreko is investigating hydrogen technologies and fuel delivery logistics in order to gain a better understanding of the long-term viability and application of hydrogen in temporary power generation. In the second half of 2021, the engine and fuel cell hybrids will be offered as field-trial and demonstrator units at customers’ locations. This will assist enterprises worldwide – from events to construction – in reducing their own emissions and closing the gap on net zero emissions.

Carsten Reincke-Collon, Director of Future Technologies at Aggreko, said: “At Aggreko we like to think of hydrogen as having its own superpowers, given the electricity it can produce without emitting any emissions. However, businesses around the world are only at the start of the hydrogen journey and therefore need to be supported to find the best ways of integrating it into their operations. This means better knowledge of and increased investment in storage and transport infrastructure, which is why we’re testing different technologies in order to fully understand the role hydrogen can play in transitioning temporary power to net zero.” 

Aggreko pledged last year to functioning as a Net Zero firm across all of its services by 2050. Additionally, the company will cut the quantity of fossil diesel fuel used in customer solutions by at least 50%, reduce its solutions’ local air quality emissions by 50%, and reach Net Zero emissions across all of its business operations by 2030. To accomplish these objectives, Aggreko is expanding its use of clean technology such as battery storage and solar energy, while also prioritizing the use of alternative fuels.

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