The Nascar project, spearheaded by Innde Cetaer in Tabernas, Almería, is set to transform the production of green hydrogen and e-methanol.

With a generous subsidy of 15 million euros from the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), this innovative initiative aims to leverage photovoltaic solar energy and Aquaer Generators infrastructure to create a sustainable and emission-free manufacturing process. The project’s potential impact on the decarbonization of transport and the quality of synthetic e-methanol is garnering international attention. However, the successful execution of the Nascar project is not without its challenges.

The Nascar project’s objective is to produce 7,200 tons of green hydrogen annually, which will serve as the foundation for the unique e-methanol manufacturing formula developed by Innde Cetaer. The use of photovoltaic solar energy and an electrolysis process ensures the renewable and emission-free production of e-methanol. With a forecast of 36,500 tons per year, this eco-friendly fuel plays a crucial role in decarbonizing the transportation sector.

The Nascar project incorporates Aquaer Generators technology, developed by the Sevillian company, to address water supply challenges. By condensing water vapor from the air, these generators ensure zero consumption of aquifer reserves and have no negative impact on existing water resources. The Tabernas region, known for its desert climate, will benefit from this revolutionary technology, enabling the project to operate sustainably in arid environments. Ten Aquaer Generators will be installed, with a projected average daily production of over 123 cubic meters and a minimum daily production of 12,300 liters, even under unfavorable weather conditions.

While the Nascar project holds tremendous potential, several challenges must be overcome for its successful implementation. The availability of financing beyond the initial subsidy, technical complexities associated with large-scale green hydrogen and e-methanol production, and ensuring the efficient operation of Aquaer Generators in the desert climate of Tabernas are critical considerations. To address these challenges, Innde Cetaer has partnered with Técnicas Reunidas, a world leader in engineering and construction in the energy sector, for the construction of the facilities and expertise in executing such complex projects.

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