Amber Grid, the Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, has joined the European Hydrogen Backbone, Europe’s largest hydrogen initiative, to strengthen its position in the field of hydrogen research and development.

The initiative brings together 29 gas and energy infrastructure operators from 27 European countries who share the same vision of a climate-neutral Europe. The goal of the initiative is to make a significant contribution to the growth of a market for renewable resources and low-carbon hydrogen.

“By participating in the European Hydrogen Backbone initiative, we are building the necessary links between the company and the state with the European green hydrogen community. This will help in creating national guidelines for the development of hydrogen and in the exploration of practical possibilities for the integration of hydrogen into the gas transmission system. In cooperation with other European operators, we will create a vision of a common European hydrogen network, which also involves Lithuania, taking over best practices and sharing the knowledge we have,” says Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid.

The European Hydrogen Backbone has contributed to the development and research of the European hydrogen market since its inception in 2020 by publishing sample maps that convey a vision for pan-European hydrogen transport infrastructure. These network maps and research show how a hydrogen vision, which will significantly aid in the implementation of the Green Course on the old continent, is both technically and economically feasible.

This initiative is expected to focus on technological and economic assessments of hydrogen supply corridors in 2022, as well as promoting regional collaboration among infrastructure operators in conducting this research. The plan is to also update the information systems so that all stakeholders can access the hydrogen data base as easily as possible.

Almost all of Europe’s major countries have developed and published hydrogen strategies, and this initiative has been incorporated into some of them. The plan is to have guidelines for the development of the Lithuanian hydrogen sector until 2050, with an action plan for their implementation until 2030 to be drafted this spring.

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