Argentina has taken a significant step towards a greener, more sustainable future with the unveiling of its National Strategy for the Development of the Hydrogen Economy. This comprehensive plan, presented by the Secretariat of Strategic Affairs (SAE), outlines the nation’s roadmap for harnessing the potential of hydrogen as a clean energy source.

The strategy represents the culmination of extensive collaboration between various government entities, provinces, and private sector stakeholders. Argentina’s goal is clear: to leverage its industrial and technological capabilities to foster the growth of the hydrogen economy, driving environmental sustainability, economic development, and productivity.

Mercedes Marcó del Pont, Secretary of Strategic Affairs, emphasized that while the energy transition presents an opportunity, it’s crucial to avoid a scenario where resource-rich nations merely export raw materials. Argentina’s industrial and technological strengths must be harnessed to secure its position in the evolving global energy landscape.

Flavia Royón, Secretary of Energy, highlighted Argentina’s unique advantages, including its geographical, industrial, and scientific characteristics. These factors position the nation favorably for hydrogen industrialization, with the potential to become a major international hydrogen supplier.

The development of a Hydrogen Economy in Argentina is not only an environmental win but also a jobs creator. The plan anticipates the generation of over 80,000 skilled jobs and the establishment of essential infrastructure, including production hubs and ports for hydrogen exports.

The event, attended by more than 130 representatives from provincial governments, business chambers, scientific and technological agencies, industry players, and universities, underscored the collaborative effort behind this ambitious strategy.

Argentina’s hydrogen strategy is a comprehensive public policy tool that outlines long-term objectives and actions. It aims to provide clarity on the trajectory of the low-emission hydrogen economy, a vital component of clean energy and industrial processes.

The strategy envisions the expansion of hydrogen-related activities and is seen as an opportunity to reduce emissions and drive industrialization. It aligns with the nation’s commitment to expanding exports, decarbonizing domestic economic activities, creating high-quality jobs, and strengthening the industrial landscape.

One of the pivotal goals set for 2050 is to establish a complete domestic value chain for the hydrogen economy. This includes the manufacturing of capital goods and specialized services. The strategy rests on two fundamental pillars: developing the domestic market to lay the groundwork for technology development and evaluating prototypes and expanding export markets by focusing on highly competitive production scales.

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