Renewable energy expert and co-founder of Rewiring Australia, Saul Griffith, has warned that the push to make Australia a green hydrogen superpower is a costly economic mistake and a waste of the country’s abundant renewable energy resources.

Griffith spoke at a parliamentary inquiry in which he questioned the green hydrogen super-hype, stating that Australia has the “easiest shot on goal” of almost any country in the world to become a renewable superpower, but not through hydrogen.

Griffith is not alone in his concerns, with other energy experts questioning whether green hydrogen is the best way forward. Despite this, the Australian Energy Market Operator’s draft Integrated System Plan for the national grid now includes a “hydrogen superpower” scenario, which is the only scenario consistent with 1.5°C.

The Australian government has also put forward ambitious hydrogen strategies and is pouring hundreds of millions into research and development and project proposals. However, Griffith argues that the billions of dollars being invested could be better spent on rapid and broad electrification, starting with Australian households and cars. Griffith believes that Australia should use its renewable energy to become a world leader in electrifying the primary production of materials from ores, doing so with renewables.

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