When Infinite Green Energy (IGE) recently acquired the Northam Solar Farm in Western Australia, Australia’s first large-scale green hydrogen plant is expected to go up in late 2024.

The Northam Hydrogen Project (MEG HP1), which is being built 100 kilometers northeast of Perth by IGE in collaboration with the South Korean building and engineering firm Samsung C&T, has already finished front-end engineering and design.

A 10MW hydrogen electrolyser and truck-loading terminal will be part of MEG HP1’s $110 million phase-one construction, which is scheduled to be finished in the final quarter of 2024.

Up to four tonnes of renewable hydrogen for the medium and heavy transport sector are anticipated to be produced daily by the facility. First venture into Australia for Samsung C&T is the Northam Hydrogen Project.

Waste management businesses in Western Australia will use the green hydrogen generated by MEG HP1 principally for fleet and back-to-base trash pickup.

Six transport firms in Western Australia will get supplies from IGE under a memorandum of understanding, in addition to the one firm that already has a contract in the state.

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