In order to compare the engine’s performance once it is run on a carbon-free fuel, Aviation H2 has started testing on a Swiwin SW170b-2448 turbine utilizing jet a-fuel.

The company will begin disassembling the engine and developing the adjustments once the initial testing is through. The engine will then be rebuilt to run on liquid ammonia, the company’s preferred hydrogen carrier.

This is a crucial component of Aviation H2’s plan since success will provide a proof of concept for the engine flame to burn and fully power the turbine.

Helmut Mayer, Director & Principal Engineer at Aviation H2, declares that this represents a significant advancement for the company. We are prepared to start disassembling the engine so we can begin planning the necessary improvements because we have strong data from the initial tests.

Early in 2023, according to Aviation H2, the jet engine will run on liquid ammonia, followed by a thorough testing process to improve its performance.
We will have established that the modification model we created in the feasibility study carried out earlier this year was accurate after we demonstrated that liquid ammonia can power the engine cleanly at 120,000 rpm per minute. After that, we’ll move on to the next phase of developing our technique, during which we’ll buy a Dassault Falcon 50 and start modifying it to fly without emitting any pollutants using liquid ammonia.

The Dassault Falcon 50 is anticipated to enter service in 2024, with a proof of concept scheduled to be delivered at the start of 2023.

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