At the Reichenau hydroelectric complex in Domat/Ems, Axpo and Rhiienergie are developing a hydrogen production facility.

In the fall of 2023, the plant is expected to start operating and begin producing roughly 350 tonnes of green hydrogen yearly. Axpo and Rhiienergie are making a significant contribution to Switzerland’s decarbonization through the initiative.

On January 23, 2023, Axpo and Rhiienergie started building the 2.5 MW hydrogen production facility at the Reichenau hydropower project after obtaining the necessary building permits. The project will be linked to the hydroelectric facility at Reichenau, in which Axpo owns the majority of the shares. The project will generate roughly 350 tonnes of green hydrogen yearly using Swiss hydropower. This translates to future savings of 1.5 million liters of diesel fuel for the Canton of Grisons and the nearby Rhine valley.

Direct delivery of the green hydrogen from the production facility to filling stations is planned. In contrast, the hydrogen can also aid in the decarbonization of industrial processes. The planned commissioning date is the fall of 2023. The plant is located in the Canton of Grisons, and Axpo and Rhiienergie are jointly investing over eight million Swiss francs there.

By 2050, Switzerland wants to be completely carbon neutral. The nation’s CO2 emissions must be significantly reduced in order to achieve this aim. Green hydrogen, a climate-friendly fuel, is essential to this decarbonization approach, especially in the field of freight transportation.

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