A project initiated by EVE, Petronor, SENER, and Nortegas is driving the Basque Hydrogen Corridor (BH2C) forward. This endeavor aims to pioneer the use of renewable hydrogen to fuel a wide range of applications in the Basque Country, from industrial processes to public transportation.

The cornerstone of this initiative is the production of renewable hydrogen using a 10 MW electrolyzer, marking a significant step towards decarbonization. EVE, the Basque Energy Entity, is at the forefront of this effort, aiming to provide the Energy Intelligence Center and new company offices in the Ezkerraldea-Meatzaldea Technology Park, Abanto Zierbena, with a sustainable source of hydrogen.

This renewable hydrogen will not only power office spaces but also pave the way for greener mobility. The park’s mobility logistics platform is set to introduce the first hydroline station (hydrogen pump) in the Basque Country. These stations will fuel the first buses and heavy vehicles of the park, reducing their carbon footprint significantly.

The broader goal of the BH2C is to stimulate decarbonization and strengthen strategic sectors such as energy, mobility, industry, and services. By promoting the use of renewable hydrogen, the initiative is a testament to the commitment of Petronor and Repsol to achieve net-zero emissions.

Additionally, there are plans to launch a second 10 MW electrolyzer in the Bilbao area in 2024. The green hydrogen generated by this facility will supply Petronor’s synthetic fuel plant, pushing forward the adoption of clean energy solutions.

In parallel with this initiative, the Basque government is expanding financial support for renewable installations for producing heat and cold in buildings. The funding, which has risen from €7.7 million to €16.4 million, targets sectors that can integrate renewable heat sources into their processes, contributing to lower energy costs. Since the program’s launch in March 2022, it has facilitated the deployment of 123 new renewable thermal installations. These initiatives embrace various technologies, including solar thermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, aerothermal heat pumps, biomass, and district microgrids, to create a sustainable and efficient thermal energy ecosystem.

Together, these efforts signify a significant shift towards sustainability, energy efficiency, and cleaner transportation in the Basque Country, setting a precedent for the rest of the world.

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