States, businesses, and investors in Bavaria believe that the federal government is not doing enough to support the implementation of the country’s hydrogen strategy.

Currently, there are a lot of initiatives and ideas coming from different people, but they are frequently not well enough coordinated.

Bavaria assumes the presidency of the conference of economics ministers at the beginning of the new year. Germany is falling behind schedule. For instance, it’s important to keep track of each country’s unique potential and interests. Everyone participating would need to be seated at the same table for working rounds.

The growth of the distribution grids is where the issue in the current phase is most obvious. The federal government’s attempt to create a new state hydrogen network corporation was doomed to failure. Since the gas network operators would already be able to perceive the expansion’s requirements far more clearly, this will unnecessarily delay it. Hydrogen may be transported through a sizable portion of the existing gas pipes.

The fastest feasible availability of hydrogen also requires ambitious aims. This entails a link to hydrogen pipes for Bavaria starting in the years “2025 after.” He has faith that Bavaria will thereafter be soon connected after the transmission system operators Gascade, Ontras, and terranets bw announced that a pipeline from the Baltic Sea to Thuringia will be built by 2025.

The energy transition in Germany will be significantly aided by climate-neutral hydrogen production. The use of “green” hydrogen is thought to be necessary to meet climate targets. In order to meet the energy needs of the steel industry, electrolysis is used to manufacture hydrogen using power from renewable sources. Currently, green power is still a rather rare and expensive energy source.

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