Hydrogen to make shipping greener

Shipping accounts for a significant amount of world CO2 emissions because to global trade, cruises, and fisheries. 90 percent of all commodities are transported by water.

Hyundai Rotem to play a big role in railway industry hydrogen transition

Last month, the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy announced the launch of the ‘hydrogen electric tram demonstration project,’ which would invest 42.4 billion won (the government’s 28.2 billion won) by 2023 to commercialize hydrogen trams.

Ribera: EU funds is its commitment to storage, hydrogen, and innovative energies

The government has released budgets for 2022 that emphasizes the growth of a new energy economy, with a particular focus on hydrogen, storage, novel renewables, and energy communities.

Analysis of the hydrogen economy prospects

The problem of hydrogen completely replacing all forms of fossil fuels in the global energy industry (and, by extension, the economy) is now gaining strategic importance. If experts’ predictions of substantial success of the new global trend in the next 15 years, and absolute success by the turn of 2040-2050, are accurate, the whole world economy will undergo a profound shift.

Russian hydrogen dilemma

According to analysts, Russia faces the possibility of being left without a big export market as the West begins its shift to low-carbon energy. 

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