Paulo Alvim, the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, issued a “major call” of R$ 100 million for entrepreneurs and academics working on fuels and green hydrogen initiatives. According to Alvim, the administration will issue a public notice in the following days.

The minister spoke on the topic at a panel discussion at the Global Carbon Market Congress, which included Joaquim Leite, the Minister of the Environment. According to Alvim, hydrogen would allow for improved clean energy distribution in Brazil, and President Jair Bolsonaro has demanded that the portfolio be included on the agenda.

The minister went on to say that credit measurement in the country “is a challenge for our research,” since it needs rigorous rigor in order to be accepted by the worldwide scientific community.

“Only through science will we be able to guarantee methodology and minimum standards for this market to function and for the world to accept the Brazilian carbon credit as a unique credit with high environmental integrity,” Joaquim Leite said.

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