Calderys is participating in the HYDREAMS project, a groundbreaking initiative coordinated by French firm UGITECH, part of the Swiss Steel Group.

The HYDREAMS project sets its sights on revolutionizing steel treatment thermal processes by eliminating carbon emissions through the utilization of green hydrogen derived from renewable energy sources.

The primary goal of the HYDREAMS initiative is the full decarbonization of thermal processes involved in steel reheating and heat treatment. The strategy revolves around the adoption of clean hydrogen oxyfuel combustion, a move expected to enhance the energy efficiency of thermal treatments while concurrently reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.

As the sole refractory maker engaged in the HYDREAMS project, Calderys plays a pivotal role in assessing the impact of replacing natural gas with green hydrogen in reheat furnaces. The company will investigate the modifications required in the furnace to accommodate hydrogen in the combustion process and, based on the findings, re-engineer or manufacture new refractories capable of withstanding the conditions within the modified, green hydrogen-powered furnace.

The HYDREAMS project aligns with the European Union’s (EU) REPowerEU Plan, which identifies renewable hydrogen as a central pillar. Green hydrogen, produced from renewable sources, is integral to the EU’s ambitious target of achieving a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

Calderys extends its commitment to sustainable steel production through its participation as a key partner in the TWINGHY project based in Spain. This endeavor, in collaboration with a digital twin, aims to modify the heat transfer process in reheating furnaces. The digital twin will control the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen in hybrid burners, aiming to achieve substantial reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, energy conservation, and low nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.

Success in the HYDREAMS project is anticipated to pave the way for the deployment of green hydrogen reheating furnaces in at least 5 steel plants across Europe. Calderys envisions active participation in numerous green-steel projects in the coming years, contributing to the steel industry’s alignment with EU targets for zero emissions.

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