Capital Energy and Waila Energy plan to construct a hydrogen production plant in Caspe, backed by an impressive budget of nearly 700 million euros.

The ambitious project, unveiled by the town’s City Council, is set to be situated in the El Portal industrial estate, spanning an expansive six hectares. Notably, the initiative has secured support from fifteen million euros in European funds, a testament to its strategic importance.

According to information from the municipal government, the hydrogen generated at the Caspe plant will play a pivotal role in the production of ammonia. This underscores a commitment to eco-friendly practices, aligning with the broader goals of sustainable energy and reducing environmental impact. The produced ammonia is slated to be distributed from the Caspe facility, contributing to the broader supply chain.

Furthermore, the project outlines plans for the installation of points dedicated to generating renewable energy. This holistic approach reflects a commitment not only to hydrogen production but also to fostering renewable energy sources, thereby creating a more comprehensive and sustainable ecosystem.

With a substantial budget and the backing of European funds, the Caspe hydrogen plant holds promise for economic development in the region. The municipal government reports that pending permits and the acquisition of European subsidies are key steps in the project’s progression. Additionally, the City Council anticipates that, upon successful implementation, the project could generate up to 60 jobs, providing a significant boost to local employment.

The municipal authorities also highlight the importance of securing a PIGA (Integrated Environmental Authorization Procedure) from the DGA (Government of Aragón). This pivotal step, currently pending, awaits resolution in the upcoming Council. The successful completion of these procedural aspects is crucial for the project to advance seamlessly.

The Caspe project is part of a broader trend in Aragón towards renewable hydrogen initiatives. The H2 Pillar project, in collaboration with Enagás and the Aragonese Renewable Energy Company, is actively working to generate green hydrogen in Fuentes de Ebro. The region’s commitment to investing in sustainable energy is evident through a significant 180 million euros investment in the H2 Pillar project. Upon completion, it is expected to create around 40 permanent jobs, further underlining the positive economic impact of renewable energy ventures in Aragón.

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