As part of the Red Diesel Replacement Competition, the UK’s Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has awarded CATAGEN two new grants through the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio.

The grants are in addition to the two grants that CATAGEN obtained last month through the Net Zero Innovation Portfolio Low Carbon Hydrogen Supply 2 Competition for the development of green hydrogen production and a liquid hydrogen fuel carrier.

A successful initial phase of all four projects in 2022 will result in substantial funding for the company.

CATAGEN, a spin-off from Queen’s University Belfast, is already selling its proprietary emissions testing services to global vehicle manufacturers and has received approval from the UK Vehicle Certification Agency and Europe’s Applus IDIADA. Its expertise in the mobility sector, along with its in-depth knowledge of worldwide emissions regulatory standards and patent-protected technology, has prompted the company to patent more emission-reduction innovations in the race to net zero.

The BEIS investment will allow the company to considerably scale up in Belfast in order to develop innovative net zero technologies in green hydrogen and e-fuel production to decarbonize challenging sectors such as transportation and industries.

The current financing offered by BEIS intends to help the industry transition away from red diesel, often known as gas oil — a type of fossil fuel typically used in the quarrying, mining, and construction industries for off-road vehicles and machinery. CATAGEN has been successful in obtaining two prizes for the development of High-Pressure Hybrid Pumping for Hydrogen Storage and Dispensing and the creation of an E-Fuel to replace red diesel.

CATAGEN has already quadrupled its workforce to 35 members in the previous year and wants to do so again in the coming year. The financing awards have the potential to be a game-changer for the company and Northern Ireland in developing a new green industry in the manufacture of green hydrogen and e-fuels, which could lead to a significant export opportunity in net-zero technology and equipment to help decarbonize our economy.

Professor Roy Douglas, CTO and Co-Founder of CATAGEN said

“E-Fuels are needed to provide an alternative solution to electrification for sectors such as aviation, marine, heavy-duty diesel and heating systems that use liquid fuels.  A blended solution of technologies is needed to meet Net Zero emissions targets by 2050.  Some of our existing business partners have already expressed interest in piloting CATAGEN’s E-fuel as it can be used in a conventional internal combustion engine and utilises existing infrastructure.”

Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Hands said:

“As we accelerate the UK’s energy independence by boosting clean, home-grown, affordable energy, it’s crucial that our industries reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.  This investment will help them to not only cut emissions, but also save money on energy bills, on top of supporting jobs by encouraging green innovation across the UK.”

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