Chile embarks on an ambitious journey with the initiative titled “Promoting a Territorial Public-Private Strategic Portfolio: Green Hydrogen (H2V) Roadmap for Antofagasta-Mejillones.”

Spearheaded by the UC Anacleto Angelini Innovation Center and the Chilean Hydrogen Association, H2 Chile, this collaborative effort seeks to build a strategic portfolio of projects, fostering the emergence of hydrogen valleys in Chile.

The initiative reached its inaugural milestone with the convening of the Advisory Committee, chaired by Ramón Molina, Executive Director of the UC Innovation Center, and co-chaired by Marcos Kulka, Executive Director of H2 Chile. The Committee comprises representatives from various sectors, including government bodies, municipalities, industry associations, and academic institutions, reflecting a multisectoral and interdisciplinary approach.

Renewable hydrogen emerges as a linchpin in Chile’s decarbonization strategy, particularly for sectors resistant to conventional decarbonization methods. With global warming goals demanding substantial emissions reduction by 2030, Chile views renewable hydrogen as a pivotal player in achieving its commitments under the Paris Agreement. The collaborative effort aims to leverage Chile’s capacity to offer a renewable, low-emission alternative on a global scale.

The initiative’s focus on the hydrogen valley in Mejillones and Antofagasta aligns with the attributes, gaps, and challenges unique to the region. The effort aims to publish a comprehensive document, resulting from collaborative work over a three-year horizon. The methodology emphasizes a local perspective, placing people at the center and addressing technical, social, environmental, and legal aspects inherent in the nascent hydrogen industry.

Ramón Molina underscores the importance of addressing risks and uncertainties associated with a burgeoning industry while emphasizing a local perspective. The initiative’s strategic approach involves generating synergies and acceleration, aligning with the larger framework of “Industries of the Future.” The collaborative platform encourages state, private sector, academia, and civil society to converge, fostering a long-term vision and proposing executable projects.

Beyond national borders, Essar Energy Transition (EET) unfolds a vision with a multibillion-dollar investment plan. EET seeks to establish the UK’s premier energy transition hub, allocating substantial investments to the Stanlow site and projects in India. The global supply hub for low carbon fuels, including green hydrogen and green ammonia, emerges as a testament to Essar’s commitment to sustainable practices.

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