The Clear Fork Green Hydrogen Project in Texas, which is being developed by Clean Energy Holdings, LLC (CEH), has signed a Letter of Intent for the sale of up to 30,000 kg per day of liquified green hydrogen.

Now being developed are formal business agreements. The ING Americas Energy Advisory and Corporate Finance teams are offering advice to CEH.

In order to develop the technology required to liquefy, store, and ship the project’s green hydrogen to clients around the world, CEH is closely collaborating with Alliance partner Chart Industries.

Offtake is a crucial component of the Green Hydrogen ecosystem, according to Cornelius Fitzgerald, President, and Co-Founder of CEH. The main motivations behind this letter of intent are energy security and decarbonizing the transportation fuel industry. This project will now move a significant step closer to completion thanks to the efforts of CEH, our owner representative, and the program and construction management company Bair Energy.

The Clear Fork Green Hydrogen production facility and full lifecycle transportation requirements are being designed to, and will help establish, the highest quality assurance and safety standards for Green Hydrogen projects worldwide, said Candice McGuire, chairwoman of Bair Energy.

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