H2 EnergyNews.biz had the opportunity of interviewing Ana Dobrota, a scientist in sustainability, environmental issues, and electrochemistry, at the 9th Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry held in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Ana’s work in computational material science and her recent accolade, the National Award for Women in Science in Serbia, highlight her significant contributions to the field.

Ana Dobrota’s dedication to sustainability and electrochemistry has been recognized nationally, earning her the prestigious National Award for Women in Science in 2023. Her award-winning project focused on metal-ion batteries, a promising area in the quest for efficient and sustainable energy storage solutions.

Ana’s expertise lies in computational material science, where she utilizes simulations to predict the performance of various materials. Her research prominently features graphene-based materials, known for their exceptional properties. However, she acknowledges the challenges associated with these materials, particularly regarding stability and scalability.

While Ana’s work has traditionally focused on scientific projects, there is a growing commercial interest in her research, particularly in the area of hydrogen production. This interest underscores the potential of her work to contribute to the development of sustainable and commercially viable energy solutions.

In addition to her research, Ana balances her responsibilities as an educator. She manages to focus on teaching and research by dedicating different parts of the semester to each role. This balance ensures that she can contribute to both the academic and scientific communities effectively.

Ana is also actively involved in organizing regional symposiums, such as the one held in Novi Sad. These events are crucial for connecting experts globally and fostering collaborations that can advance the field of electrochemistry.

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