According to a statement from Fusion Fuel, Keme Energy’s green hydrogen plant in Sines will begin construction in the first quarter of 2023, and commercial operations will begin in the second quarter of the same year.

Following the announcement in February that the two businesses will collaborate, Fusion Fuel recently stated that it has finalized the contract to supply Keme Energy with its electrolysis technology.

The project, which will take up five hectares in Sines and cost 5.2 million euros in total, aims to create 160 tons of green hydrogen yearly.

This project will be developed in two phases, and Keme Energy has already obtained a POSEUR (Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources) grant in the amount of 2.4 million euros for the first stage.

In the first stage, 62 Hevo-Solar units with an electrolysis capacity of around 1.2 megawatts (MW) are installed. Fusion Fuel created this technology to capture solar energy and utilize it to create green hydrogen.

The Keme Energy plant is anticipated to produce 77 tonnes of green hydrogen yearly with its installed capacity, with the transportation industry serving as the primary end-user.

In its pipeline, Fusion Fuel has more than thirty green hydrogen projects, 16 of which will be built in Portugal. For one of its projects in Sines, the business recently received 10 million euros from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

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