A recently filed patent by General Electric Company titled “Apparatus to Refuel a Vessel with Cryo-Compressed Hydrogen” was disclosed on May 23, 2024.

The patent outlines an advanced system designed to efficiently refuel hydrogen-powered vessels while managing the unique challenges associated with cryo-compressed hydrogen.

Unique Features and Improvements

The patented apparatus introduces several notable improvements over existing hydrogen refueling systems:

1. Defueling Mechanism: One of the standout features is the refueler controller that defuels the vessel before the refueling process begins, based on the vessel’s pressure. This preemptive step ensures optimal conditions for safe and efficient refueling.

2. Pressure-Based Refill: The system fills a mixing tank with cryo-compressed hydrogen, considering both the vessel’s and mixing tank’s pressures. This approach ensures a balanced and controlled transfer of hydrogen.

3. Temperature Regulation: During refueling, the apparatus can adjust the temperature of the mixing tank in response to the vessel’s temperature. This temperature control is achieved by manipulating the flow of supercritical hydrogen, ensuring that the vessel reaches its target temperature.

4. **Automated Process Termination:** The refuel process concludes automatically once the vessel reaches its target pressure, adding an additional layer of safety and efficiency.

The primary application of this patented technology is in refueling hydrogen-powered vessels.

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