With its Innovation Workshops, Deloitte launches the GreenHydrogenTech Accelerator, which as the name suggests is an accelerator of startups that have proposals and solutions along the value chain in the green hydrogen economy: from production to transport, from storage to use created through renewable energy.

The Program sees the participation of Acea Group as Main Partner, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) as Scientific Partner and Ecosystem Partner SMAU.

The GreenHydrogenTech Accelerator will have its center in Italy and will focus on the development of concrete industrial projects through the international scouting of the most promising startups, scaleups and research projects in the sector, integrating the vision and technologies of these emerging realities with the skills and assets provided by the participating players. In short, it is a classic model of acceleration/open innovation program: the call identifies the startups that will have access to the program and to possible growth and business opportunities with the partners.

The Call4Startup and the selection of the GreenHydrogenTech Accelerator

Applications from startups, scaleups and research projects will be open from March 3, 2022 until May 5, 2022, on the website you can find the reference to apply and the 9 green hydrogen innovation trends on which the research is structured.

A digital roadshow will accompany this first phase and will allow the most promising startups, scaleups and research projects to meet the GreenHydrogenTech Accelerator team and assess whether the proposed solutions meet the needs of the participating players.

Following the Call4Startup, applications will be analyzed and innovative solutions will be identified on which to define industrial projects that can benefit from the expertise of companies, research centers and the innovation ecosystem. The program will conclude with the announcement of the winners and their presentation during the final event. The winners will benefit from a joint mentorship session by Deloitte experts and Acea Group team to evaluate technologies and business models and define the next development phases also through industrial projects together with the participating players.

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