Doosan Fuel Cell set aims to achieve technological superiority in the transition to clean hydrogen fuel cells.

Doosan Fuel Cell, Korea Southern Power, Samsung C&T Construction Division, and Korea Energy Research Institute inked an MOU for the “research and conversion of clean hydrogen fuel cells” at Doosan Tower in Dongdaemun.

The Clean Hydrogen Certification System and the Clean Hydrogen Power Generation Mandatory System were developed to suit domestic hydrogen sector revival policies (CHPS).

The development of CCU (Carbon Capture and Utilization) technology is tied to fuel cell technology. The key contents include the conversion of current hydrogen fuel cells to blue/green hydrogen fuel cells, as well as joint cooperation and commercialization of an ammonia fuel cell demonstration project.

The cost of manufacturing green hydrogen, which is made by electrolyzing water with electricity generated from renewable sources such as solar power, remains expensive. As a result, carbon dioxide emissions are low, and blue hydrogen, which can be created at a low cost, is gaining popularity.

Doosan Fuel Cell will collaborate with Korea Energy Research Institute to develop CCU technology for fuel cells and will demonstrate a blue hydrogen fuel cell using the technology with Korea Southern Power.

Following the demonstration, the business wants to lead the transition to clean hydrogen by collaborating with Korea Southern Power to replace the previously installed hydrogen fuel cell with a blue hydrogen fuel cell.

Doosan Fuel Cell, on the other hand, agreed to take part in the ammonia fuel cell demonstration project.

At – 33 degrees Celsius, ammonia can liquefy. It can transport 1.5 times more volume than hydrogen due to its tiny volume. Ammonia is also considered to be more efficient and cost-effective than liquid hydrogen due to its high energy density (liquidation temperature -253 degrees below zero).

Ammonia fuel cells will be developed by Doosan Fuel Cell, while ammonia will be imported from abroad by Samsung C&T Construction Division. Korea Southern Power will also contribute to the establishment of an ammonia fuel cell demonstration facility.

“Through this MOU, we will speed up the transition to clean hydrogen fuel cells by aggressively reacting to the government’s clean hydrogen policy and ensuring super-gap technical competitiveness,” stated Jeong Hyeong-rak, CEO of Doosan Fuel Cell.

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