Delgaz Grid, a subsidiary of E.ON Romania, unveiled the outcomes of its pilot project “20HyGrid,” signaling a potential revolution in the country’s energy landscape.

The primary objective of the 20HyGrid pilot project is to assess the technical feasibility of blending hydrogen (20%) with natural gas (80%) for household supply, utilizing the current natural gas distribution networks. By exploring this hybrid approach, the project seeks to contribute to the partial decarbonization of the heating sector while leveraging existing infrastructure.

Through rigorous testing in both laboratory settings and real-world scenarios, the project demonstrates the viability of utilizing the hydrogen-natural gas mixture without necessitating any modifications to distribution networks or consumer appliances. The study affirms that existing natural gas infrastructure components are well-suited for hydrogen transport, thereby minimizing the need for extensive upgrades.

The successful implementation of the 20HyGrid project could yield significant environmental benefits by reducing carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions associated with natural gas combustion. Moreover, the seamless integration of hydrogen into existing systems holds the promise of enhancing long-term comfort for consumers while mitigating environmental impact, aligning with Romania’s sustainability goals.

Looking ahead, Delgaz Grid aims to expand its pilot projects, encompassing a range of initiatives such as supplying non-residential consumers, injecting biomethane into distribution systems, and exploring alternative decarbonization solutions.

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