14 million euros would be used to build renewable hydrogen production facilities in defunct industrial regions.

According to Michele Fioroni, regional councilor for economic development, this is what the regional council designated as part of the PNRR, dedicated to the Mission “green revolution and ecological transition,” “a fundamental pillar of the Recovery and Resilience Plan that aims to support companies and territories in the complex path of the energy transition.”

The advisor emphasizes that “Today, we offer substance to a course that we have been working on for some time with President Tesei and that will make us national leaders. The approved call will only commence with the production sites that are chosen. Because Umbria is one of the five Italian regions that has designated its flagship project in the growth of hydrogen generation, it will get at least 10 million more than the 14 million dollars set aside for the call “.

“We will give birth to a regional strategy on hydrogen in the coming weeks,” the councilor continues, “that will outline the road that wishes to take us to be a region of experimentation, pioneer, and competitive even in such a strategic field as that of the green hydrogen supply chain.”

Regarding the measure’s specifics, the call adopted by the regional council suggests using a model call established by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. The notice is designed for all business types, regardless of size, that wants to establish hydrogen production facilities in defunct industrial regions, either singly or collectively through a network or other agreement including up to five subjects.

The construction of one or more electrolyzers for the generation of renewable hydrogen and associated support systems for the production process, as well as the development of one or more additional systems served by electrolyzers, will be the major components of the interventions. The electrolyzers must have a total nominal power of between 1 MW and 10 MW when it comes to plant sizing.

Through a competitive process, which will primarily take into account the relationship between the contribution requested and the estimated amount of renewable hydrogen produced at full capacity, the selected projects and the concessions that can be provided will be determined. As a result, the most effective technologies will be improved, and the location of the site will also be improved in relation to industrial complexes and other users that may have a need for hydrogen.

Additionally, the selection procedure will go quickly. The call will be posted on the Bur on January 18 and applications will be accepted from January 24 through February 28. The ranking of proposals will be revealed by March 31, 2023.

The regional council chose to operate the Call in a “decentralized” manner, therefore the ministry will be responsible for providing the necessary facilitation to the call’s beneficiaries.

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