The “Electrolyser Plants & Power-to-X” virtual conference, which will be held on October 19-20, 2021, will provide a forum for industry experts to exchange the most recent knowledge, strategies, and ideas on how to address the issues.

The peer-to-peer network forum will share ideas among an elite group of specialists on electrolyser plant design, operation, and future electrolysis technology development. Market specialists will have the opportunity to learn from the techniques of their peers and use what they have learned in their everyday actions.

“We promise the longest average minutes of direct peer-to-peer networking with the most senior, relevant and open-minded end-user experts in the industry,” said Prospero Events Group, the organizers of the event.

The program will address a variety of themes, including:

  • H2FUTURE – A technology lighthouse and European flagship project to decarbonise steel production
  • Infrastructure requirements for electrolyser plants
  • Hydrogen production target
  • Producing Green Hydrogen at scale by water electrolysis
  • Developing green hydrogen projects in a refinery – learnings so far
  • Achieving Net-Zero in Ireland: The combination of electrolysis technologies and Atlantic Wind
  • Grid Flexibility in the Context of P2X
  • GRHYD Project
  • Outlook of P2X Projects

You can find more information here.

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