A contract for the open innovation-based transformation of the gas network for the transportation of hydrogen has been signed by Enagás, the Portuguese REN, the GRTgaz and Teréga.

The Green2TSO collaboration is made up of two Amancio Ortega-owned businesses and two of their French counterparts. Pilot projects, technology trials, and other activities are anticipated to be carried out under this program in order to hasten the transition of the natural gas network.

The development of a hydrogen monitoring system, compression and surface storage, as well as substitutes for lining and cleaning gas pipelines, will be among the primary areas of concentration. The co-financing of Green2TSO OPHTYCS, a project in the area of hydrogen measurement led by these four sponsors, has already been authorized by the European Commission.

With its RICE (Research and Innovation Center for Energy) R&D center, GRTgaz will provide Green2TSO with technological know-how and access to its hydrogen-specific facilities.

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