EST-Floattech is part of the Future Proof Shipping and Holland Shipyards Group FPS Maas conversion project.

Both businesses are actively engaged in sustainable project development, with FPS serving as the zero-emissions shipowner and HSG building or retrofitting the ships.

FPS is on its way to constructing and running a fleet of ten zero-emission inland and short-sea boats with the “FPS Maas.” The “Maas” refit is a component of HSG’s goal to strive toward a greener and more sustainable maritime sector. This project involves the Dutch system integrator Oechies, who has opted to work with EST-Floattech on the conversion of the Maas to a hybrid H2-electrical propulsion engine.

The inland freight container ship “FPS Maas” completed her final voyage from Belgium to Rotterdam in August using a diesel internal combustion engine. The container ship is presently being retrofitted at Holland Shipyards Group in Werkendam following years of arduous effort and months of planning, including energy profiling.

The primary engine and transmission will be removed during the retrofitting in Q4 of 2022 in order to replace the diesel propulsion with hydrogen technology and install a new modular propulsion system. It will be made up of electric motors, hydrogen tanks, a fuel cell system, and a 504 kWh battery system made by EST-Floattech. For peak shaving, secondary power, and bridging power, EST-dependable Floattech’s and DNV-certified Green Orca system will be employed. Numerous hardware and software fail-safes are included in the Green Orca system to guarantee the batteries’ long-term safety.

The “FPS Maas” will continue transporting containerized freight between Rotterdam and Antwerp once it is back in operation.

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