In a concerted effort to drive the transition to renewable hydrogen in Europe, leading energy organizations, including the Renewable Hydrogen Coalition, Wind Europe, SolarPower Europe, CAN Europe, and E3G, have penned a joint letter.

This letter is a clarion call to the co-legislators involved in shaping the Hydrogen and Decarbonized Gas Package. It urges them to establish a dedicated entity, the European Network of Network Operators for Hydrogen (ENNOH).

The creation of ENNOH is seen as a pivotal move to ensure a level playing field for emerging players in the renewable hydrogen arena. The aim is to streamline the development of a cost-effective and efficient hydrogen infrastructure tailored to meet the requirements of sectors that are challenging to electrify. Importantly, it must be a transparent and integrated system that minimizes conflicts of interest.

The new entity, ENNOH, will be entrusted with the crucial task of impartially assessing future network needs. This evaluation will be based on robust scientific analysis and economic forecasts. ENNOH will collaborate closely with ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity), ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas), and ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators). Together, these organizations will work on long-term integrated network development planning to offer the most energy- and cost-efficient decarbonization solutions.

This collective effort underlines the commitment of European energy stakeholders to foster a sustainable hydrogen ecosystem. By entrusting ENNOH with the role of a neutral overseer, the goal is to ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of renewable hydrogen’s growth, free from any vested interests that could hinder the transition to green energy.

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