The previous publication revealed that EUROPIPE’s L485 (X70) pipes with epoxy-coated interiors have proven to be a suitable solution for transporting 100% hydrogen.

The pipes are suited for future ASME B31.12 standard construct hydrogen pipelines, according to the report.

Steel exceeded the qualities anticipated in a 100-bar pure hydrogen environment norm, according to a preliminary test. The internal flow coating of epoxy provides well-known benefits during the construction and operation of gas pipes. Many flow coatings were evaluated during EUROPIPE’s study to determine their appropriateness for hydrogen transfer.

EUROPIPE’s pipeline internally coated with epoxy-based flow proven adequate for transportation of pure hydrogen under 100 bar-pressure environment in a recent test conducted by Salzgitter Mannesmann Research Company (SZMF).

Internally lined pipes with epoxy-based flow materials TEKNOPOX 3296-06 (82 Vol.-percent solid content) and TEKNOPOX 3297-00 were used to create the specimens under inquiry (97 Vol.- percent solid content). TEKNOS (MÜLHEIM PIPECOATINGS (MPC)/ provided the coating materials. The flow coating thicknesses on all of the specimens were kept between 61 and 120 meters.

The pipe’s resistance to gas blistering was tested using API RP 5L2 and EN 10301/ISO 15741, which were used to evaluate the pipe’s resistance to variations in gas pressure (cyclic testing) as well as hydraulic-pressure blistering. For non-corrosive gas qualification testing, these standards are commonly used.

Typically, nitrogen is used in the “blistering tests” to imitate the effects of frequent pressure fluctuations on the internal flow coating. However, pure hydrogen gas was utilized as a pressurizing gas in the testing to see if hydrogen with a lower molecular size would alter the internal flow coating’s resistance to spontaneous pressure fluctuations.

After all of the tests, the specimen behaved admirably in a pure hydrogen environment, with no signs of deterioration, blistering, or loss of adhesion. The test revealed that EUROPIPE pipes with MÜLHEIM PIPECOATINGS’ internal flow coating are an excellent alternative for future hydrogen pipelines.

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