A shipyard in Europe is getting closer to launching a one-of-a-kind experimental hybrid vessel that will serve as a floating laboratory for hydrogen fuel cells and other green technologies.

Fincantieri announced at the end of 2020 that it would begin construction on Zeus (Zero Emission Ultimate Ship), a fuel cell-powered vessel that would be used to study the performance of fuel cells in natural settings. Fincantieri is one of the most important players in the industry that is focusing on clean energy alternatives. As Europe’s largest shipbuilding group, known for delivering famous superyachts and cruise ships, Fincantieri is one of the most important players in the industry that is focusing on clean energy alternatives.

Zeus will be 82 feet (25 meters) long, weigh 170-tons, and be equipped with two diesel generators and two electric motors. The hybrid Zeus ship will be powered by the Bavarian Proton Motor Fuel Cell’s innovative Hyship 72 fuel cell system, which was recently announced. The 142 kW Proton Motor fuel cells, a battery system, and a metal hydride hydrogen storage system make up the hydrogen-powered propulsion solution.

The experimental ship was supposed to have a 130 kW fuel cell system powered by 11 lbs (50 kg) of hydrogen stored in eight cylinders, as well as a battery system that would guarantee eight hours of operation at 7.5 knots (8.6 mph/13.8 kph). The Hyship 72 fuel cell system, with 142 kW, will push Zeus even further.

Zeus will play a key role in researching an innovative way to generate electricity and heat for cruise ships, in addition to studying fuel cell behavior. Because these new systems have no moving mechanical parts, they would help reduce noise and vibrations and even increase energy conversion output when compared to traditional power generation systems.

When the batteries are being recharged, Zeus will use its diesel generator, as well as a zero-emission mode, in which the electric power is supplied by the fuel cells, and a zero-noise mode, in which only the lithium batteries are used.

The Zeus project was created in collaboration with a number of Italian universities and institutions and is partially funded by the Italian government.

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