Lower Austria’s first hydrogen storage facility was officially opened in St. Pölten. According to Governor Mikl-Leitner, this HydroSolid hydrogen storage facility is considered a significant step in the country’s energy transformation.

Udo Landbauer was represented by Christian Hafenecker, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Research, Innovation and Digitization. “Hydrogen is a contemporary issue, and it is urgently necessary to find innovative solutions. This facility can potentially be a global pioneer,” said Hafenecker. It is particularly pleasing that this innovation comes from Lower Austria.

Hydrogen as the drive of the future

Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe and is crucial for life on Earth. Chemically bound with oxygen, it forms water. In recent years, however, hydrogen has increasingly been seen as a future-oriented energy source. Given the global climate crisis and the discussions about reducing emissions, hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a key technology for a sustainable energy supply.

Hafenecker emphasized: “With this project, Lower Austria remains a leader in research and technology. Every euro invested comes back several times over.”

Energy transformation in Lower Austria

Governor Johanna Mikl-Leitner underlined the importance of this project for Lower Austria: “We are in the midst of the largest energy transformation in history. Austria and Lower Austria, in particular, are well positioned here, especially in terms of renewable energy. Last year was a record year for electricity from photovoltaic systems.”

In the field of hydrogen, Mikl-Leitner emphasized that the existing gas storage network in Lower Austria can be adapted for hydrogen.

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