The first of its type in Florida, a new green hydrogen facility being built by FPL was officially started on Wednesday in Okeechobee.

Okeechobee County welcomes a brand-new green energy facility. According to FPL, clean energy is the way of the future.

The Cavendish NextGen Hydrogen Hub, a $65 million facility, will be constructed at the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center.

Hydrogen will be extracted from water using solar energy, and this “green hydrogen” will then be used to produce electricity.

Tim Oliver, FPL’s vice president of development, claims that the company has one goal in mind: a future with no carbon emissions at all.

He said, “Our overarching aim, or what we call our “real-zero target,” is to entirely eliminate carbon emissions from our fleet of power plants by 2045.

More than 200,000 solar panels that are scheduled to be online by the end of the month will power the hydrogen hub.

Oliver added, “We intend to use the energy from our solar-powered facility to turn water into green hydrogen, which we can then burn through our natural gas plant.

The Cavendish NextGen Hydrogen Hub, a $65 million facility, will be constructed at the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center.

This facility, one of just a few of its sort in the US, is what FPL considers to be the green energy of the future.

Oliver said, “We know the science is sound, and we believe that clean, green hydrogen from our current natural gas plants provides that last step on a route towards a completely, 100% sustainable energy future.

According to FPL, a year from now they still are unsure of the exact amount of energy that will be produced by this project, but they anticipate the plant to be operating by the end of 2023 assuming all goes according to plan.

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