The French government has issued a new tender titled “Fourniture d’azote liquide en vrac, location de trois réservoirs d’azote liquide et de deux réchauffeurs atmosphériques.”

Published on September 19, 2024, this tender invites submissions until September 24, 2024. It represents a significant development for the hydrogen industry, aiming to enhance infrastructure by supplying bulk liquid nitrogen, renting three liquid nitrogen tanks, and deploying two atmospheric heaters.

Objectives and Requirements

The primary aim of this tender is to ensure the continuous and efficient supply of liquid nitrogen, which is vital for various industrial applications, including hydrogen production and storage. The French government seeks suppliers capable of delivering liquid nitrogen in bulk quantities, accompanied by the rental of necessary storage and heating equipment. Specifically, the tender requires:

1. Bulk Supply of Liquid Nitrogen: This involves the provision of large quantities of liquid nitrogen necessary for hydrogen-related processes.
2. Rental of Liquid Nitrogen Tanks: The supplier must provide three storage tanks for liquid nitrogen, ensuring these tanks meet industry standards for safety and efficiency.
3. Deployment of Atmospheric Heaters: Two atmospheric heaters are needed to convert liquid nitrogen into its gaseous state when required, ensuring seamless operations.

Technical Methodologies

The technical requirements for this tender focus on safety and efficiency. Liquid nitrogen must be stored at extremely low temperatures to remain in its liquid form, necessitating insulated, cryogenic tanks. Additionally, the atmospheric heaters should be capable of efficiently converting liquid nitrogen to a gas without significant loss or hazards.

The tender’s emphasis on liquid nitrogen is crucial for the hydrogen industry, where maintaining specific temperatures and conditions is essential for both production and storage. Liquid nitrogen is often used to cool hydrogen to its liquid state, which is easier to store and transport. By securing a reliable supply and the necessary equipment, this tender aims to streamline the hydrogen supply chain in France, promoting the adoption of hydrogen as a sustainable energy source.

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