Genuine H2 has made its debut with a tested green hydrogen electrolysis technology that will give affordable, dependable, and clean energy to a variety of businesses throughout the world while also offering a commercially feasible path toward decarbonization.

They believe the technology will offer a scaleable solution to the climate and energy crisis because it has universal applicability across the mobility, infrastructure, commercial, and consumer sectors.

“Our mission is to commercialise a groundbreaking method for producing power so we can deliver a ‘right now’ solution for the urgent need to produce cost-effective, green and dependable energy,” says Genuine H2 Director, Michael Davies.

The electrolysis machine, which is powered by renewable energy sources like wind and sun, recovers green hydrogen from wastewater or seawater and uses a fuel cell to turn it into electricity.

According to the business, the electrolysis devices may use wastewater or seawater to create clean, pure water. Genuine H2 is already working on a sizable project that it will reveal in the upcoming weeks.

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