A recent survey conducted by Civey on behalf of thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA has found that a majority of Germans view green hydrogen as the energy source of the future for Europe and Germany.

The survey revealed that 69% of the population in Germany believes that CO2-free hydrogen is the way forward, with 83% of SPD voters, 75% of CDU/CSU voters, and 50% of Left and AfD voters expressing their support.

The survey also revealed that 81% of decision-makers from the energy sector and 61% of managers surveyed view green hydrogen as an important energy source. Respondents cited greater energy supply security due to less dependence on imports (56%) and guaranteed energy supply (40%) as the key reasons for supporting green hydrogen. Furthermore, 51% of respondents believe that green hydrogen contributes to climate protection, with nearly half (48%) stating that it is necessary for converting the industry to a CO2-free process.

While acknowledging the importance of green hydrogen, respondents emphasized that politicians must remove existing hurdles to establishing it across the board. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of German citizens and decision-makers from industry (75%) called for more support for green hydrogen from EU politicians. Among SPD voters, nearly 90% supported greater support, while voters for the AfD or the Left Party were less supportive.

The survey also highlighted the need for stable prices for renewable energy (35%), reducing bureaucracy/legal reforms (34%), and planning and investment security (33%) to establish green hydrogen in the economy. For executives from industry, planning and investment security (36%) and reducing bureaucracy/legal reforms (36%) were identified as the most important factors. For decision-makers in the energy sector, reducing bureaucracy/legal reforms (59%) was considered more important than planning and investment security (45%).

The survey found that 68% of citizens and 81% of decision-makers from industry believe that the promotion of green hydrogen by politicians in Brussels is not enough to remain competitive internationally. Dr. Werner Ponikwar, CEO of thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA, emphasized the need for everyone in society, politics, and industry to contribute to the success of green hydrogen.

Green hydrogen has the potential to play a vital role in the transition towards a more sustainable energy system. The technology involves using renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen, which can be used in a range of applications, including power generation, transportation, and industrial processes. However, there are challenges to overcome, including the high cost of production, lack of infrastructure, and storage capacity.

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