Hy2B Wasserstoff will supply green hydrogen to H2 Mobility Deutschland starting in 2024, while activities at the Pfeffenhausen hydrogen production facility are expected to begin in the second part of 2023.
In the days leading up to the groundbreaking ceremony for the megawatt electrolysis project on the site of the future hydrogen center in Pfeffenhausen, the two firms declared their intention to deliver green hydrogen from Lower Bavaria. H2 Mobility hydrogen stations will get green hydrogen, particularly in Bavaria.
The quantity of hydrogen refueled in Germany has doubled in the past year due to rising demand at filling stations.
Particularly, the commercial vehicle industry is expanding rapidly. However, hydrogen must be electrolytically created from renewable sources in order to fully decarbonize the world.
Currently, 700 bar cars, smaller commercial vehicles, and, for instance, trash collectors may recharge at around 100 public hydrogen filling stations in Germany.
Nine more fueling stations are being designed, constructed, or put into service. Buses and lorries may refill at 350 bar at 12 sites as well. Seven more stations are currently being installed.