British tech firm Getech embarks on a journey to uncover vast reserves of white hydrogen hidden within the ancient geological formations of Cornwall, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

White hydrogen, nestled within ophiolites, emerges as a promising energy source, emitting only water when combusted, thus offering an eco-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Chris Jepps, Getech’s Chief Operating Officer, highlights the nascent nature of this industry, yet underscores its thrilling prospects for a sustainable future.

Getech’s pioneering approach integrates artificial intelligence with a comprehensive global geological database, derived from oil and gas industry data. By creating a ‘digital genome’ of the Earth, the company aims to pinpoint lucrative mineral deposits, including those of white hydrogen. This fusion of technology and natural science promises to revolutionize energy sourcing and utilization by identifying optimal drilling locations.

Getech’s exploration endeavors transcend mere resource discovery, signaling a broader transition towards green energy sources vital for combating climate change. With projections suggesting that white hydrogen could meet global demand for centuries, the company’s efforts lay the groundwork for a cleaner, sustainable future powered by the universe’s most abundant element.

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