Glocal Green AS and Norwegian Hydrogen AS have entered into a cooperation agreement aimed at developing and establishing hydrogen production in conjunction with Glocal Green’s planned bio-methanol plant.

The primary goal of this collaboration is to enhance methanol production by integrating hydrogen into the process, thereby producing bio-e-methanol. The hydrogen production will be organized into a separate jointly owned company, ensuring focused and efficient management of this critical aspect. The joint venture aims to leverage low-grade biological residual materials and by-products from forestry, agriculture, and the marine sector to produce bio-methanol. By incorporating hydrogen, the process ensures that all green carbon is utilized, effectively doubling the volume of methanol produced.

The production process involves using hydrogen to optimize the energy output from biomass. Hydrogen will be produced locally through electrolysis, a method that uses electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. This integration ensures high transition efficiency, crucial in a world facing a growing power deficit. The hydrogen-enhanced methanol, termed bio-e-methanol, provides a green liquid hydrogen carrier at a competitive price, contributing significantly to the green transition.

The market potential for green methanol is vast and expanding, particularly within the chemical industry and as a substitute for fossil fuels in maritime and aviation sectors. The first project, located in Øyer in Gudbrandsdalen, targets an annual production of 150,000 tons of bio-e-methanol, alongside 15,000 tons of green hydrogen from electrolysis. This project not only illustrates the symbiotic benefits for hydrogen production but also establishes Norwegian Hydrogen AS as a significant player in the hydrogen market.

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