The four Spanish initiatives selected by Brussels in a European call to promote green hydrogen and submitted by Sener, Nordex, Iveco, and H2B2 have received government approval for a royal decree to subsidize with 74 million euros.

The third vice president and minister for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge, Teresa Ribera, explained that these subsidies will cover 100% of the cost of these projects because they will provide the part that European aid does not cover in the press conference that followed the Council of Ministers’ approval of this decree.

The minister has defended Spain’s position as a leader in the creation of this sort of renewable energy, noting that the country presently accounts for 78% of all green hydrogen patents or 20% of all global investments in this field.

According to Ribera, “This royal decree allows us to continue working to promote renewable hydrogen, which will have a greater weight in the energy mix to the detriment of oil and represents a very relevant opportunity for Spain, where we are in good condition, from a geographical point of view, to project the necessary industry.

The minister has provided details on the four projects: Iveco, which has facilities in Madrid, Valladolid, and Barcelona, proposes to produce hydrogen-powered heavy communications equipment; Nordex, which has two plants in Asturias and Navarra and is also focused on the electrolyzer (11.6 million); Sener, which is located in the Basque Country and promotes the installation of an electrolyzer factory (10 million); and H2B2, which was established in Seville and focused on electrolyzers (27.05 million).

A total of over 245 million euros will be invested in these projects, which are a part of the Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) Hy2Tech to support research, innovation, and manufacturing in their initial industrial deployment in the renewable hydrogen value chain.

This Community Agreement seeks, among other things, to further the decarbonization goals of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance and the European Union (EU), while fostering both energy and technological independence within the context of the REPowerEU Communication.

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