In a resounding commitment to shaping a sustainable energy landscape, Governor Gavin Newsom has ushered in a new era for California by directing the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) to orchestrate the state’s Hydrogen Market Development Strategy.

This visionary strategy, rooted in an all-of-government approach, is poised to propel California’s clean and renewable hydrogen market to unprecedented heights. With echoes of the Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Development Strategy, this endeavor reflects the state’s resolute determination to forge a path towards zero-emission prosperity for all its residents.

The urgency to expand the horizons of the clean, renewable hydrogen market is inextricably linked with California’s steadfast climate objectives. This initiative, driven by the need for a clean electric grid, net-zero carbon emissions, and a monumental reduction in air pollution, resonates deeply with the state’s vision for a sustainable future. Moreover, California is vying to establish itself as a federally funded Hydrogen Hub, with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law set to infuse $8 billion into the establishment of multiple Hydrogen Hubs nationwide.

The Hydrogen Market Development Strategy lays out a comprehensive blueprint designed to harness hydrogen’s potential as a catalyst for accelerated clean energy deployment and the monumental decarbonization of transportation and industrial sectors. Drawing inspiration from the 2022 Scoping Plan and collaborating with the insights of the SB 1075 hydrogen report, the strategy aims to craft a robust framework that integrates various stakeholders and defines the roles of state agencies with crystal clarity. It seeks to pioneer innovative financing models, streamline permitting procedures, and usher in transformative procurement initiatives.

The strategy’s significance is further underlined by its commitment to equity, environmental stewardship, and economic growth. By engaging local communities and a diverse spectrum of stakeholders, it strives to weave together a tapestry of benefits that extend beyond the realm of energy. The strategy’s inclusive approach reflects the state’s endeavor to harmonize all its efforts towards a cleaner, more resilient energy landscape.

This ambitious undertaking emerges from the executive order that initiated the Infrastructure Strike Team, an assembly aimed at streamlining projects across the state. The Hydrogen Strategy is a result of collaborative efforts by the Infrastructure Strike Team’s hydrogen, clean energy, transportation, and zero-emission vehicle workgroups. Importantly, California’s bid for federal funding has been spearheaded by the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES), a dynamic public-private partnership that envisions a robust renewable hydrogen ecosystem benefiting not only the environment but also communities at large.

The endeavor has garnered support from influential voices. Dee Dee Myers, Senior Advisor to the Governor and Director of GO-Biz, envisions the Hydrogen Market Development Strategy as a transformative force that can catalyze economic growth, job creation, and clean air, all while propelling the clean energy transition. Angelina Galiteva, CEO of ARCHES, echoes the sentiment, embracing Governor Newsom’s holistic approach to fast-track the hydrogen market’s expansion, and thus, accelerate California’s trajectory towards a carbon-free economy.

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