The German energy firm Graforce has created a plasma electrolysis method that can produce hydrogen from methane and wastewater.

Instead of splitting water molecules to produce hydrogen, the method divides nitrogen and hydrocarbon compounds present in wastewater and other feedstocks. The company’s “Plasmalyzers” use a high-frequency voltage field produced by solar or wind energy to divide nitrogen and carbon molecules into their atoms.

Nature of Disruption: Green hydrogen is produced by Graforce plasma electrolysis reactors from methane, wastewater, liquid manure, or ammonia. Pollutants like ammonium are divided into hydrogen and nitrogen during the wastewater plasmolysis process. With the help of Graforce membrane technology, it then separates and stores gases in tanks. The hydrogen may then be used in SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) fuel cells, boilers, or CHPs (combined heat and power) to produce CO2-free electricity and heat at sewage treatment facilities. It generates nitrogen that may be utilized as an industrial gas and clean water that is recycled back into the water cycle. The methane plasmalyzer divides methane into its molecular components, primarily hydrogen and carbon, using a high-frequency voltage field produced by solar or wind energy. When biomethane is employed, the methane plasmolysis procedure eliminates CO2 from the atmosphere. Solid carbon, a byproduct of it, may be used in industrial quantities to improve soil, concrete, asphalt, and cement. According to Graforce, methane electrolysis only needs 10 or 20 kWh from wastewater to make 1 kilogram of hydrogen, as opposed to water electrolysis, which takes 50 kWh/kg of hydrogen.

Outlook: Green hydrogen is predicted to have a paradigm-shifting impact on the transportation industry and the decentralized energy sector. Additionally, it directly advances the goals of the global climate. According to Graforce plants, producing hydrogen from waste materials results in higher yields and substantially cheaper production costs. Green hydrogen has the potential to significantly aid in achieving climate objectives across a number of industries. Graforce intends to exhibit its commercial methane and wastewater electrolysis facilities and refueling systems at IFAT 2022, the world’s leading trade expo for water, sewage, and waste management. The business touts the immense economic potential of green hydrogen as well as the variety of applications for CO2-free or even CO2-negative fuel.

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