As part of the unveiling of the Quebec Strategy on Green Hydrogen and Bioenergy, the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Jonatan Julien, confirmed a total of $12.5 million in financial assistance over five years to support the Quebec Intelligent Energy Network (RQEI) and Escouade énergie, a group of CCTTs involved in Energy Transition.

This assistance, administered by the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), will fund and coordinate the acquisition of equipment by universities, colleges and college technology transfer centers (CCTTs), and carry out, in collaboration with these same partners, activities aimed at structuring and supporting research in the fields of green hydrogen and bioenergy.

“We are very pleased that research and the training of skilled workers are at the heart of the government’s strategy. This funding is a great vote of confidence in the RQEI and the Escouade énergie, which are working to bring together all the forces involved in the vast theme of energy transition. In this sense, we will make it our duty to invest these sums in research and development projects and initiatives that will contribute to making Quebec a leader in the field of green hydrogen and bioenergy,” says Loïc Boulon, director of the RQEI and professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UQTR.

“We are proud that the first major financial support announced in this Strategy is to support the training of specialized manpower and applied research. This shows the strategic importance of the creation and optimization of Quebec know-how for the government. For our part, this is the first major inter-organizational initiative (CEGEPs and universities) in support of the energy transition: all stakeholders must mobilize to achieve the ambitious energy transition objectives and ensure that the right energy is used in the right place,” said Jeanne Charbonneau, Executive Director of the Escouade énergie.

The UQTR welcomes this initiative of the Quebec government, which will allow its researchers in the field of green energy to contribute their expertise, talents and research infrastructure to accelerate the shift to cleaner energy.

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