Oman, the Netherlands, and key industry players have signed a Joint Study Agreement to explore the feasibility of a liquid hydrogen supply chain.

Agreement Establishes Green Hydrogen Corridor

The agreement, signed at COP28 in Dubai, establishes a green hydrogen corridor between Oman and the Netherlands. The corridor will transport liquid hydrogen produced in Oman to the Port of Amsterdam, where it will be regasified and distributed to European markets.

The agreement involves several key partners:

  • The Government of Oman
  • Hydrogen Oman (Hydrom)
  • Port of Amsterdam
  • Zenith Energy Terminals
  • GasLog

The agreement will entail several studies, including:

  • A feasibility study for a liquid hydrogen liquefaction, storage, and export facility in Oman
  • A study of the requirements for transporting liquid hydrogen to Europe
  • The partners are hopeful that the agreement will lead to the development of the world’s first commercial-scale liquid hydrogen supply chain.

Commitment to Net-Zero

The agreement is a significant step forward for Oman and the Netherlands, both of which are committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Oman has several advantages for producing hydrogen, including:

  • Abundant renewable energy resources
  • Existing port and industrial infrastructure
  • Strategic location near key markets
  • The Netherlands is a major importer of energy and is looking to diversify its energy supply away from fossil fuels.

The agreement is a positive development for the global hydrogen economy.

In addition to the benefits for Oman and the Netherlands, the agreement will also benefit other countries that are looking to develop a hydrogen economy. The agreement will help to demonstrate the feasibility of transporting hydrogen over long distances and will help to reduce the cost of hydrogen production.

The agreement is a significant step forward in the fight against climate change.

Hydrogen is a clean and sustainable fuel that can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The agreement will help to accelerate the development of the hydrogen economy and will help to create a more sustainable future for all.

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