Disclaimer: The content shown in this post was not created nor does it belong to EnergyNews.biz.Credit entirelybelongs to GWEC.net

GWEC and RE100, an initiative led by The Climate Group in partnership with CDP, are organising a webcast series on “Corporates in the Global Energy Transition” throughout 2020. The South East Asia & Australia edition was held on 6 October 2020, beginning with a webcast highlighting the opportunities and challenges for corporate procurement of renewable energy in the region of South East Asia and Australia.

International law firm Baker McKenzie explained the legal and regulatory frameworks supporting the corporate market in the region, including potential barriers for market actors. Google discussed the on-the-ground reality from the corporate demand-side perspective, unpacking the roadmap to achieving 24/7 carbon-free energy by 2030.

Following the webcast, there was an opportunity for free networking sessions bringing together corporate renewable energy buyers, sellers and advisers, hosted for one hour on the virtual events platform. This edition is proudly supported by Baker McKenzie, Global Solar Council and Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore.

Disclaimer: The content shown in this post was not created nor does it belong to EnergyNews.biz. Credit entirely belongs to GWEC.net

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