CEC Haren GmbH & Co.”Green KG’s H2-Hub Haren” funding project in Haren, Lower Saxony, is being funded in part by H-TEC Systems, a green hydrogen technology company.

Haren, Emsland’s “Green H2 Hub Haren” funding project uses two ME450/1400 PEM electrolysers from H-TEC SYSTEMS. The planning firm CEC Haren GmbH & Co. KG and the electrolyser manufacturer H-TEC SYSTEMS both made the announcement. In this case, Westnetz, the electricity and gas distribution network operator, placed the order with H-TEC SYSTEMS.

With the help of this R&D project, a decentralized hydrogen production facility can be built. The site will produce green hydrogen from wind energy and store it for use in the mobility sector, primarily in the region. With the H2 hub, rural areas, particularly in agriculture, can benefit from the production and use of hydrogen that is generated sustainably. At the same time, the project aims to significantly increase Haren’s own renewable energy supply. The goal is to create a model that can be used in other rural areas and regions in Lower Saxony to develop and prepare for a comprehensive integration into the H2 supply infrastructure.

Sustainable green energy is a top priority for the city of Haren. The H2 hub’s new storage units make it possible to use peak-period electricity efficiently. PEM electrolysis, an additional battery storage system, and a more advanced energy management system are all integrated into the Fehndorf-Lindloh community wind farm’s 16 wind turbines. A hydrogen filling station and a gas network feed point will also be constructed. Excess electricity generated by the project is transferred to the heating or transportation sectors.

Stabilizing wind energy with PEM electrolysis systems and connected storage is a critical approach to sector coupling in relation to renewable energies. Two electrolysis systems from H-TEC SYSTEMS will be used to produce hydrogen, which can be used in a variety of ways, including power-to-gas or power-to-fuel.

The short-term use of excess electricity and the subsequent direct feedback into the grid are two of the primary purposes of battery storage. It is possible to use two lithium-ion batteries with a total output of 2 MW and 4 MWh to store power peaks from wind energy. Excess electricity is instead converted to hydrogen and fed into the natural gas grid by two electrolysers with a combined output of 2 MW. With an energy management system, Haren is able to maintain his independence.

Long-term hydrogen energy storage in the natural gas grid has the distinct advantage of storing large amounts of energy for a longer time. The gas distribution system also makes it simple to get the product to the final consumer.

Each of the two H-TEC SYSTEMS ME450/1400 electrolyzers has a nominal hydrogen production rate of 900 kilograms per day and a power of 1 megawatt each. The green hydrogen is produced with a purity of 5.0 and can be delivered at a pressure of up to 30 bar to downstream consumers. There is a new wind farm that provides power for the electrolysers.

H-TEC SYSTEMS electrolysers will be part of the energy system when it goes live in the summer of 2022.

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